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Red Sea Road Consulting works nationwide with organizations, non-profits, and educational institutions, to bring a comprehensive approach to racial equity and Restorative Justice Practices.

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of Oregon, North Dakota, South Dakota & Wyoming
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Being coached by Sidney was one of the best decisions I've ever made professionally. As an Executive Director striving to build an equitable work environment for my organization, Sidney's perspective was incredibly valuable in every possible way. She guides with a focus on compassion. She leads by helping leaders build trust in themselves and in their relationships with others. She taught me how to focus on relationships first to remove fear from our equity work. She helped me see the difference between equitable policies and the culture that will actually allow the policies to work. And, she never shied away from providing immediately useful ways to maintain sight of the forest through the trees. I am a better leader because of my time working with Sidney, and I cannot recommend her enough!

Kate Benedict | Executive Director | Financial Beginnings Oregon


I just wanted to thank Brad and Ben for their tireless efforts to strengthen and educate our community (kids, teachers and parents) in so many ways. Bagels with them today was the most useful 2 hours of my week listening to Sidney Morgan, Portland Public Schools Restorative Justice Coordinator. She was saying that the only way this gets to schools is if the administration is committed to the ideas. Because of their commitment, our teachers are exposed to amazing ideas and tools that help all our kids gain skills they can use for the rest of their lives. I'm looking forward to putting some of the things I learned to work at home over Spring Break.

 Vernon School Parent


It should also be noted that parents made Sidney stay until 11:15 am, despite us "technically" ending at 9:45. They wanted more!

Bradley Parker | Assistant Principal | Vernon School


I just wanted to send you a quick note thanking you for your service and training and facilitation of the RJ two day workshop from 23/24 of January. It was an inspiring two days and I'm so glad I attended. I have been upbeat and focused these past two weeks (even with the constant news intake). I get to work with our youth and I get to provide them with safety and love through my profession. And I've started circles with each of my seven Spanish classes (K-5) and my ESL classes at my other school.

I have felt very torn and piece-mealed out, due to working at multiple buildings at only part-time status. However, RJ was what I needed to give me focus and stability. Facilitating circles has made ME more invested, its renewed my hope and excitement about teaching and I've seen big turnarounds with some of my most energetic and love-needing students. Thank you for helping me out!

Spanish Teacher K-5 | Skyline School IB K-8 


This space was extremely powerful, one if the best sessions in regards to DEI development in my history with TFA.

Participant | Teach For America


Jai and Sidney created a welcoming environment for me and truly set a tone to take what you need from the space. I am grateful for this chance to pause. It was a cathartic session that made me feel seen and heard while allowing me to be self-reflective.

Participant | Teach For America

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